A new operational hurricane prediction system for NOAA: UFS-based Hurricane Analysis and Forecast System (HAFS)
Presenter(s): Dr. Zhan Zhang, Dr. Xuejin Zhang
The Warn-on-Forecast System: Probabilistic Prediction of Individual Thunderstorms
Presenter: Patrick C. Burke
Sensitivities of Subseasonal UFS Simulations to Changes in Parameterizations of Convection, Cloud Microphysics, and Planetary Boundary Layer
Presenter: Dr. Ben Green
At the Intersection of Weather and Climate The NOAA Research Global Nest Initiative
Presenter: Lucas Harris (NOAA/GFDL)
METplus: Building a Community Verification and Diagnostics Framework for the UFS
Presenter: Tara Jensen is Project Manager II at NCAR/RAL
Broad Community Development of the Unified Forecast System, Using the WAVEWATCH III® Wind Model as an Example
Presenter: Hendrik Tolman, NOAA / WNS / STI
Enhancing Forecast Value with Artificial Intelligence
Presenter: Sue Ellen Haupt, National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
Addressing tropical variability and convective gray-zone representation in NOAA’s Unified Forecast System (UFS)
Presenter: Lisa Bengtsson – University of Colorado, NOAA/ESRL, Boulder, Colorado
DTC and NOAA Release a New Version of the Common Community Physics Package
DTC and NOAA Release a New Version of the Common Community Physics Package By Ligia Bernardet and Mike Ek The Developmental Testbed Center is pleased to announce the Common Community Physics Package (CCPP) v5.0.0 public release on March 08, 2021. This release contains the CCPP-Physics, a library of physical parameterizations, the CCPP-Framework, an infrastructure that […]
Progress Towards A State-Of-The-Art Land Data Assimilation System In NOAA’s Global NWP System
Presenter: Clara Draper, NOAA/OAR, PSL, Boulder, Colorado