Applications and Components

UFS configurations that support particular forecast requirements are called applications. Each application combines a numerical model, data assimilation, post-processing, workflow, and other elements. Each distinct software element of an application is called a component.

Current UFS applications and the types of guidance they are expected to provide are listed below

UFS Applications

Atmospheric and ocean behavior from about two weeks to about one year

UFS Components: Atmosphere, Land, Ocean, Sea Ice, Aerosol

Hurricane track, intensity, and related effects out to about one week

UFS Components: Atmosphere, Land, Ocean, Wave

Atmospheric behavior from less than an hour to several days

UFS Components: Atmosphere, Land

Release Page

Upper atmosphere geophysical activity and solar behavior out to about one month

UFS Components: Atmosphere, Land, Ionosphere

Storm surge and other coastal phenomena out to about one week

UFS Components: Storm Surge, Wave

Aerosol and atmospheric composition out to several days

UFS Components: Atmosphere, Land, Aerosol

Atmospheric behavior out to about two weeks

UFS Components: Atmosphere, Land, Wave

Release Page

UFS Components

The UFS has several model components each utilized within various UFS applications


Medium-Range Weather
Sub Seasonal to Seasonal
Short Range Weather
Space Weather
Air Quality


Medium-Range Weather
Sub Seasonal to Seasonal
Short Range Weather
Space Weather
Air Quality


Sub Seasonal to Seasonal

Sea Ice

Sub Seasonal to Seasonal


Sub Seasonal to Seasonal
Air Quality


Space Weather

Storm Surge



Medium-Range Weather